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Lavender Rose

Lavender Rose


Indulge in the soothing and luxurious scent of our Lavender Rose soap. Made with natural ingredients and essential oils, this soap is gentle on the skin and will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. The calming properties of lavender combined with the romantic aroma of rose create a truly enchanting bathing experience. Our Lavender Rose soap is perfect for anyone looking for a little self-care and a touch of elegance in their daily routine. Treat yourself to a bar today and experience the tranquil and enchanting fragrance for yourself.

    Contact Us

    Shop Hours

    THUR., FRI. & SAT. 10am-4:30pm

    NEW SUNDAY HOURS  11:00-3:00

    Ol'Factory Farm

    12973 Upton Road  

    Red Creek NY  13143


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