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Bulgarian Lavender

Bulgarian Lavender


This oil is renowned for its superior quality and unique aroma. Distinct from its French counterpart, Bulgarian Lavender offers a slightly sweeter and more floral fragrance, making it a popular choice for aromatherapy and skincare. With its soothing and calming properties, this essential oil is perfect for promoting relaxation and alleviating stress. Add a few drops to your diffuser or dilute with a carrier oil for a luxurious massage experience. Experience the pure and natural benefits of Bulgarian Lavender essential oil today.


Used for: Sore muscles and joints, to help relieve stress and anxiety.


Helps combat insomnia, restlessness.
Topically lavender oil has antibacterial properties and can help with acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and inflammation.
Also used as a natural mosquito and moth repellent

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THUR., FRI. & SAT. 10am-4:30pm

NEW SUNDAY HOURS  11:00-3:00

Ol'Factory Farm

12973 Upton Road  

Red Creek NY  13143


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